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Meet Viv and other AI characters

3 – 13 October 2023
10.00am – 4.30pm AEDT
The Bank, UNSW Kensington
This event has ended
Screenshot: the Visit. CG old woman standing in kitchen

Drop in for a chat with Viv, an artificially intelligent (AI) character, co-created with women living with dementia. She is an authority on the experience of dementia diagnosis and living with hallucinations. Viv and other AI characters will be in residence in the Open Studio.

Created by the fEEL ARC Laureate Lab, our AI characters are distinctive for being co-created by or with people with lived experience, using their words, insights and experiences to shape personas. The fEEL team will be present to share and discuss this rapidly evolving work-in-progress.

Masters student Sally McKay will also be sharing her AI character Sophie, who is gene positive for Huntington's disease and is designed to promote preventative neurology.