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Past Events

13 Sep Past event
Join our experts in exploring innovations for a fairer, healthier future in women's healthcare.
13 Sep Past event
Are you hoping to publish in the 'International Journal of Refugee Law'? The International Journal of Refugee Law (IJRL) is the leading peer-reviewed journal on all aspects of international law relating to forced migration. In this special two-part webinar series, the Joint Editors-in-Chief and members of the Editorial Board will demystify the publication process and share insights on what editors and reviewers look for in a manuscript. The webinars are open to all, but we especially welcome early career researchers, academics from the Global South, and other scholars with diverse backgrounds and perspectives. Whether you are looking to publish for the first time, or have an established publication record but would like to improve your likelihood of a successful submission, this is your opportunity to meet the Editors, learn more about how the editorial and publication processes work, and get tips to prepare manuscripts for submission to the IJRL. Two webinars covering the same content will be held in different time zones to accommodate scholars around the world.
13 Sep Past event
Join us for a Business Insights Institute Briefing as we explore the evolving hybrid and flexible work culture, and its impact on organisational design and systems.
12 Sep Past event
This discovery seminar aims to bring the two centres together with colleagues from the Faculty of Science to increase collaboration.
11 – 22 Sep Past event
Designed to enhance staff wellbeing in health facilities across SESLHD, this program of bite-sized events promotes community, conversation and creativity!
9 Sep Past event
A rehearsed reading of the creative practice PhD play 'Working Title: Maisel’s Angels'
7 Sep Past event
Explore how young people narrate and practice hope, resistance and agency in differing conditions of crisis and marginalisation.
6 Sep Past event
Join us for this important roundtable as we discuss climate-related language, science and policy.
5 Sep Past event
Unpick the fabric of the gender hierarchy with journalist Angela Saini.
5 Sep Past event
UNSW Library invites you to the launch of the exhibition 'Care is a relationship'.

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