Did you know that 57% of Australian professionals are actively thinking of changing their career?* If you are one of them, and have been wondering where to start, then look no further.
Are you passionate about the future of health and how we can improve life for all?
Are you ready to drive change and shape a better future through a career in Business?
From the HIV/AIDS epidemic to the COVID-19 pandemic, what have we learnt and what do we still need to learn?
Join us for the opening event for UNSW Library's current exhibition Performing Sydney.
Experience firsthand the innovative and creative ways that engineers solve real-world challenges through the engineering stream of the Experience UNSW Day.
Experience firsthand UNSW Law & Justice workshops and our seminar-style approach to get a taste of how our students learn to think analytically, critically and carefully with 'justice for all' at their heart.
Experience firsthand what it is like conducting research and experiments in the lab and field as we inspire your curiosity through the science stream of the Experience UNSW Day.
Experience firsthand how our students push the ways we think about people, place and culture turning creativity and critical thinking into inspired careers.
In this live performance, musicians activate Megan Cope’s sound installation ‘Untitled (Death Song)’
Are you a female high school student interested in a career in business?