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LIVESTREAM What to expect for International Law from the Biden Presidency

15 January 2021
9.00am – 10.00am AEDT
This event has ended


In this talk, Professor José Alvarez (NYU) discusses the possibilities for international law in the forthcoming Biden Presidency in the US.

He will discuss the possibilities for US (re-)engagement with multilateral international law and institutions across a range of domains, including international trade and investment law, the nuclear weapons regime, and international environmental law. He will argue that while we will see a ‘restoration’ of the place of international law in US foreign policy, it will be tempered thanks to changes in the world and in the US over the past four years. Those expecting either a wave of US accessions to multilateral treaties or a third term of an Obama presidency are likely to be disappointed.

An extended version of the paper on which this talk is based is available at

Event details
Sydney – January 15, 9am (AEDT)
New York (North American EST) – January 14, 5pm
Porto Alegre (Brazil) – January 14, 7pm

About our speakers

José Enrique Alvarez is the Herbert and Rose Rubin Professor of International Law at NYU Law School. He is a former president of the American Society of International Law, the previous co-editor-in-chief of the American Journal of International Law, and a member of the Institut de Droit International and Council on Foreign Relations. His over 130 articles and book chapters and six books have made substantial scholarly contributions to a wide range of subjects within international law, including the law-generating rules of international organizations, the challenges facing international criminal tribunals, the boundaries between “public” and private,” and the legitimacy issues surrounding the international investment regime. Prior to joining academia, he was an attorney-adviser in the Office of the Legal Adviser of the U.S. Department of State.”

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