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Cooling South Melbourne - A Case Study

22 July 2022
1.00pm – 2.00pm AEST
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High Performance Architecture Webinar Series 2022 (#3)

Cooling South Melbourne – A Case Study

Associate Professor Lan Ding

Convenor of High Performance Architecture Research Cluster, UNSW School of Built Environment

Ms Renae Walton

Senior Sustainability Policy & Strategy Advisor, City Planning and Sustainability, City of Port Phillip

This webinar will introduce an award-winning project, Cooling South Melbourne, which was co-developed by the UNSW BE High Performance Architecture team and the City of Port Phillip. The project presents the real-world application of urban heat island mitigation research outcomes in the South Melbourne study area. The Cooling South Melbourne Strategy uses on the ground research, future climate projections, and leading-edge scenario modelling to test interventions on how to manage growth, while ensuring urban spaces are comfortable in the current and future conditions. Key recommendations regarding built form and public realm interventions, will not only inform the structure planning for South Melbourne but are applicable across the whole of the municipality. Cooling South Melbourne received the ‘Award for Excellence – Strategy’ at the 2022 City of Port Phillip Design and Development Awards.