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Holding Breath: Collective Listening, Care and Connection in the wake of Pandemic Grief

10 October 2023
11.00am – 12.00pm AEDT
The Bank, UNSW Kensington
This event has ended
Abstract work: blue breath connections, 2023

In this session Postdoctoral researcher Poppy will talk about their current project-in-development, Holding Breath which explores collective listening, care and connection in the wake of pandemic grief (and beyond) through a series of intimate, generative and reciprocal encounters through the sharing of voice-note memos.  The project will work co-creatively with women and non-binary people who experience debilitating or persistent breathlessness across unevenly shared and felt thresholds of experience. The project foregrounds slow, attentive and reciprocal listening and works from my own lived experience of living with/in discomfort, debility and breathlessness.  In this session, I will talk about the initial prompts and inspirations for the project, ethical and methodological questions, growing a distributed network of care and solidarity, and more.  It is an ‘experiment in listening’ (Shah, 2021), and perhaps a creative sound project, but I'm also thinking of it as an embodied archival project.  A short example of voice-note exchanges will be shared from the Creative Development and testing stage, after which I will encourage listening-oriented responses from the audience.

Poppy de Souza: brown-haired woman in stripey top

Dr Poppy de Souza

Poppy de Souza (she/her) is Bridging Hope Charity Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the Big Anxiety Research Centre.  Poppy’s practice and research explores the politics of voice and listening in conditions of inequality and injustice with a focus on practices of resistance and transformation.