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Finding a Centered Ground: The Voice To Parliament Debate

25 August 2023
6.00pm – 8.00pm AEST
Ainsworth Theatre (G03), Ainsworth Building, UNSW Kensington
This event has ended
Indigenous artwork.  Black background, white, pink, yellow and red flowers

Later this year there will be a Referendum called The Voice which is about whether we should change the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing a body called the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice.

Join the following panellists for a debate on The Voice to Parliament.

Yes Panellists
Jordan Itoya (UNSW student studying a Bachelor of Social Research and Policy).
Professor Heidi Norman (Associate Dean (Indigenous) Arts & Social Sciences, UTS and Leading Australian Researcher in the field of Aboriginal Political History).
Associate Professor Sean Brennan (Member of the  Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law and Associate Professor, UNSW Law & Justice).

No Panellists
Anthony Dillon (Respected Academic and Commentator on Indigenous affairs).
Myles Jerrard (UNSW student studying a double degree in LLB and BA).