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#CareersUnlocked: Will AI & Technology Enhance Creative Industries?

10 August 2023
6.00pm – 6.45pm AEST
This event has ended
Scientia Professor Toby Walsh

Toby Walsh | John McGhee | Serena Schmitz

With emerging technologies transforming almost every sector, it is estimated that creative industries will benefit from increased productivity of up to 40% by 2035*. Our panel will explore the technological and creative opportunities on the horizon and what this means for the future of creative careers. 

Generative AI is just one of a suite of new tools currently driving innovation and change in the creative industries. New advancements in virtual reality (VR), visual effects (VFX), virtual production (VP), and augmented reality (AR) are all presenting opportunities to amplify human creativity as they free up time to focus on ideation and conceptual development, as well as open up new ways for creative professionals to imagine and realise their visions. 

Hear from Toby Walsh, John McGhee and Serena Schmitz as they explore how creatives can harness emerging technologies to amplify and extend human creativity and improve efficiencies for the future of the creative and cultural sectors. 


* Accenture research, 2017 

Toby Walsh

Toby Walsh

Toby Walsh is Chief Scientist of UNSW.AI, UNSW Sydney’s new AI Institute. He is a strong advocate for limits to ensure AI is used to improve our lives, having spoken at the UN and to heads of state, parliamentary bodies, company boards and many others on this topic. This advocacy has led to him being "banned indefinitely" from Russia. He is a Fellow of the Australia Academy of Science and was named on the international "Who's Who in AI" list of influencers. He has written four books on AI for a general audience, the most recent is Faking It! Artificial Intelligence in a Human World.

Prof. John McGee

John McGhee


Scientia Associate Professor John McGhee is the Director and Founder John McGhee, Director and Founder of the UNSW 3DXlab. John has a background in 3D computer animation, Visualisation and VFX, he has grown a world-class international research team and facility in the fields of 3D computer animation, creative 3D visualisation and immersive storytelling, while also leading the creation of education programs in 3D Visualisation, Animation and VFX. 

Serena Schmitz

Serena Schmitz


Serena Schmitz is Owner & Creative Director at SezzyStudio; specialising in brand strategy, creative solutions and design services. Serena creates influential brands for companies by sparking meaningful conversations through branding and content.  She specialises in strategic branding that empowers her clients to think beyond traditional digital marketing to engage their audience in an authentic and customer-centric way.