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Michelle Simmons on the quantum computing revolution

Michelle Simmons

A quantum computer would be able to solve problems in minutes that would otherwise take thousands of years.

Michelle Simmons

Watch 2018 Australian of the Year, Michelle Simmons deliver The Einstein Lecture: The Quantum Computing Revolution for the Sydney Science Festival.

For many, the field of quantum computing is extraordinarily mind boggling, yet for UNSW Scientia Professor Michelle Simmons, it is her life and her passion. She is a quantum computing pioneer, establishing Australia’s first quantum computing company in 2017.

Her lecture sold out within a week and was subsequently live streamed to the web to accommodate her many, many fans.

Watch her exuberantly share her insight into quantum physics and atomic electronics.

The Einstein Lecture: The Quantum Computing Revolution was presented by UNSW Sydney and Australian Institute of Physics for the Sydney Science Festival, as part of National Science Week, an Australian Government initiative.

Michelle Simmons

Michelle Simmons

Keynote Speaker

Michelle is a Scientia Professor of Quantum Physics in the Faculty of Science at the UNSW and has twice been an Australian Research Council Federation Fellow and is now an Australian Research Council Laureate Fellow. She is the Director of the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Quantum Computation & Communication Technology and is recognised internationally as a pioneer in atomic electronics and quantum computing.